祝贺2024级CSCT博士生王云峰的一篇研究自适应双重控制律滑模观测器在电力信息物理系统中重构网络攻击和补偿功率的论文被IEEE Transactions on Power Systems录用。这是王云峰在CSCT工作期间发表的第2篇SCI期刊论文。该成果为王云峰与北京科技大学王恒教授团队2023级博士生李泓良(原为2020级CSCT成员)合作完成。
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Yunfeng Wang from CSCT/NEEPU and Ph.D Candidate Hongliang Li from BJUT & QIYUAN Nat. Lab. on their collaborative paper entitled adaptive dual control law sliding mode observer to reconstruct cyber attack and compensate power in cyber physical power system has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems which is a CAS Tier 1 TOP SCI journal. This is his second accepted SCI paper in period of working in CSCT.