祝贺2015级CSCT成员权婉珍的一篇关于电力系统非线性控制器设计的论文被IEEE Access录用,这是权婉珍在CSCT工作期间发表的第4篇SCI检索论文。

Congratulations to Quan Wanzhen on her paper regarding an improved adaptive backstepping approach on STATCOM controller of nonlinear power systems has been accepted by IEEE Access, which is a CAS 2 journal. Meanwhile, this is her 4th SCI paper. Previously, she has published 3 SCI papers on IET Control Theory & Applications, IET Generation, Transmission & Distrubution, International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing. She worked in CSCT from Sept. ,2015 to Jun. ,2018, now she is at Rocket Forces University of Engineering as a Ph. D. candidate.

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