李健,女,1982年4月生于辽宁省阜新市,博士,教授,博士生导师,先进控制理论及电站应用研究所所长,吉林省智慧能源先进控制技术重点实验室主任,吉林省有突出贡献的中青年技术专家(享受政府特殊津贴),东电学者第二层次人才,优秀青年骨干教师,吉林市“三八”红旗手,IEEE/PES Member,中国自动化学会信息物理系统控制与决策专委会委员。2008年9月至2013年1月就读于东北大学控制理论与控制工程专业攻读博士学位,2013年9月加入东北电力大学自动化工程学院。长期从鲁棒控制、电力电子控制、故障检测技术及其在微电网中的应用等方面的研究,并取得了一系列的研究成果。2015年6月至2015年8月,作为公派访问学者赴韩国岭南大学(Yeungnam University),针对具有网络传输要求的切换系统的故障检测问题,与韩国科学技术研究院院士Ju H. Park教授进行深入合作研究。2016年10月至2017年10月,公派赴新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),针对建模为切换系统的电力电子控制和故障检测问题,与著名海外华人学者、IEEE Fellow许建新教授进行了深入地合作研究。以第一作者身份发表/录用多篇学术论文,以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI检索论文71篇,EI检索论文22篇。同时作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金2项,吉林省科技厅2项、教育厅基金2项。
Publications List
I. SCI Journal Articles
First Author / Corresponding Author
1. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*, Fault detection for switched linear parameter-varying systems: an average dwell-time approach, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7(8): 1120-1130.
SCI: 000322702400006 EI: 20133416650010
2. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*. Fault detection and isolation for discrete-time switched linear systems based on average dwell-time method, International Journal of Systems Science, 2013, 44(12): 2349-2364 .
SCI: 000320191500015 EI: 20132616445432
3. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*. Simultaneous fault detection and control for switched systems under asynchronous switching, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems Control and Engineering, 2013, 227(1) : 70-84.
SCI: 000316768300008 EI: 20132116357836
4. Jian Li, Qingyu Su*, Lingfang Sun, Bo Li, Fault Detection for Nonlinear Impulsive Switched Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID:815329. 12 pages.
SCI: 000323034200001 EI: 20133616695941
5. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*. Asynchronous fault detection filter design approach for discrete-time switched linear systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2014, 24(1): 70-96.
SCI: 000328215500005 EI: 20135117112399
6. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*, Fault detection filter design for discrete-time switched linear systems with mode-dependent average dwell-time, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2014, 28(1): 77-95.
SCI: 000330621500007 EI: 20140317202567
7. Jian Li*, Xingze Dai, Simultaneous Fault detection and control for discrete-time systems via a switched scheme, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID:841031. 13 pages.
SCI: 000358886400001 EI: 20153201115488
8. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*, Simultaneous fault detection and control for switched systems with actuator faults, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(10):2411-2427.
SCI: 000372206800015 EI: 20150700506796
9. Jian Li, Ju H. Park*, Fault detection filter design for switched systems with quantization effects, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353(11):2431-2450.
SCI: 000377471000004 EI: 20162302475008
10. Jian Li, Zhengfan Song, Qingyu Su*, Robust fault detection for discrete-time nonlinear impulsive switched systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2017,19(1):224-232.
SCI: 000393679200021 EI: 20170203233102
11. Jian Li, Ju H. Park*, Dan Ye, Fault detection filter design for switched systems with quantisation effects and packet dropout, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017, 11(2):182-193.
SCI: 000393520300005 EI: 20170303246205
12. Jian Li, Ju H. Park*, Dan Ye,Simultaneous fault detection and control design for switched systems with two quantized signals,ISA Transactions, 2017, 66:296-309.
SCI: 000394483600029 EI: 20165103156086
13. Jian Li*, Chun-Yu Wu, Finite-time fault detection filter design for discrete-time interconnected systems with average dwell time, Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2017, 313:259-270.
SCI: 000405665500019 EI: 20172503809255
14. Qingyu Su, Wanzhen Quan, Weiwei Quan, Guowei Cai, Jian Li*, Improved robust adaptive backstepping control approach on STATCOM for nonlinear power systems, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(13):3428-3437.
SCI: 000412731100025 EI: 20174204272473
15. Jian Li, Chun-Yu Wu, Qingyu Su*, Robust fault detection filter design for interconnected systems subject to packet dropouts and structure changes, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018, 12(3):368-376.
SCI: 000422764300005 EI: 20180404679914
16. Jian Li*, Dezhen Zhang, Backstepping and sliding-mode techniques applied to distributed secondary control of islanded microgrids, Asian Journal of Control, 2018, 20(3):1288-1295.
SCI: 000434052200029 EI: 20182305273845
17. Jian Li, Xinxin Guo, Bo Li*, Robust fault diagnosis and adaptive parameter identification for single phase transformerless inverters, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, Article ID: 3025838.
SCI: 000442858300001 EI: 20183605783578
18. Jian Li, Zhigang Zhang, Bo Li*, Sensor fault detection and system reconfiguration for DC-DC boost converter, Sensors, 2018, 18(5), Article ID: 1375.
SCI: 000435580300074 EI: 20181805127502
19. Qingyu Su, Haichao Zhu, Jian Li*, Static output feedback stabilization of a class of switched linear systems with state constraints, International Journal of Control, Automation & Systems, 2018,16(2):505-511.
SCI: 000429572000009 EI: 20180504697090
20. Qingyu Su, Wanzhen Quan, Guowei Cai, Jian Li*, An improved adaptive backstepping approach on static var compensator controller of nonlinear power systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing, 2018, 32(5):700-712.
SCI: 000431997400004 EI: 20181104890009
21. Qingyu Su, Haichao Zhu, Jian Li*, H∞ control for a class of continuous-time switched systems with state constraints via a mode-dependent switching method, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018,40(11):3358-3367.
SCI: 000438624200010 EI: 20182205247993
22. Jian Li, Xinxin Guo, Cong Chen, Qingyu Su*, Robust fault diagnosis for switched systems based on sliding mode observer, Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2019, 341:193-203.
SCI: 000446451300013 EI: 20183905869612
23. Jian Li, Kunpeng Pan, Qingyu Su*, Sensor fault detection and estimation for switched power electronics systems based on sliding mode observer, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 353:282-294.
SCI: 000460726500032 EI: 20190806537765
24. Jian Li, Zexu Liu, Qingyu Su*, Improved adaptive backstepping sliding mode control for a three-phase PWM AC–DC converter, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2019, 13(6): 854-860..
SCI:000464580000013 EI:20191706822602
25. Jian Li, Wen Li, Qingyu Su*, Stability analysis for state-constrained switched systems with all subsystems unstable, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17(10): 2482-2489.
SCI: 000488850000005 EI: 20193007242792
26. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Jian Li*, H∞/H− fault detection for switched systems with all subsystems unstable, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2019, 13(12): 1796-1803..
SCI: 000477682700003 EI: 20193107257538
27. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Dezhen Zhang, Jian Li*, Finite-time fault detection filtering for switched singular systems with all modes unstable: an ADT approach, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17(8): 2026-2036.
SCI: 000477969800014 EI: 20193107261000
28. Jian Li, Kunpeng Pan, Dezhen Zhang, Qingyu Su*, Robust fault detection and estimation observer design for switched systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2019, 34: 30-42.
SCI: 000485796800003 EI: 20192106945756
29. Jian Li, Jingjing Wang, Quankang Wang, Yingzhou Wang*, Stable switching rule design for Buck converter via affine switched systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, Article ID 4640789, 7 pages.
SCI: 000497361100003 EI: 20194707699541
30. Jian Li*, Chun-Yu Wu, Finite-time robust fault detection filter design for
interconnected systems concerning with packet dropouts and changing structures, International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(4): 832-843 .
SCI: 000526453500009 EI: 20182805535855
31. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Tong Lu, Yue Long, Jian Li*, Fault detection for switched systems with all modes unstable based on interval observer, Information Sciences, 2020, 517: 167-182.
SCI: 000517659200010 EI: 20200207998001
32. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Jian Li*, Finite-time fault detection filters design for switched systems with all subsystems unstable, International Journal of Systems Science, 2020, 51(3): 545-555.
SCI: 000512290300001 EI: 20200608129347
33. Dongsheng Chen, Cong Chen, Jian Li*, Fault detection filter design for a discrete-time impulsive switched systems with quantised signals, Internation Journal of Systems Science, 2020, 51(3): 413-423.
SCI: 000513126700001 EI: 20200708165874
34. Jian Li, Kunpeng Pan, Qingyu Su*, Robust fault detection and adaptive parameter identification for DC-DC converters via switched systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2020, 34(11): 1642-1657.
SCI: 000566280200001 EI: 20203609143564
35. Jian Li, Jingjing Wang, Qingyu Su, Chun-Yu Wu, Xiao-Qi Zhao*, Fault detection for interconnected systems subject to packet dropouts via switching scheme, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2020, 18(12): 3031-3042.
SCI: 000543056300014 EI: 20202608873716
36. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Yue Long, Jian Li*, Attack detection and secure state estimation for cyber-physical systems with finite-frequency observers, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(17): 12724-12741.
SCI: 000586803400035 EI: 20203909223570
37. Jian Li, Kunpeng Pan, Qingyu Su*, Sensor fault isolation for DC-DC converters via switched affine systems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2021, 235(3): 400-410.
SCI: 000550721500001 EI: 20203008970547
38. Qingyu Su, Shuqi Li, Yanchao Gao, Xin Huang, Jian Li*, Observer-based detection and reconstruction of dynamic load altering attack in smart grid, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2021, 358(7): 4013-4027.
SCI: 000678374900017 EI: 20211010048358
39. Lei Li, Wenting Wang, Qiang Ma, Kunpeng Pan, Xin Liu, Lin Lin, Jian Li*, Cyber attack estimation and detection for cyber-physical power systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 400: 126056.
SCI: 000626316600014 EI: 20210809971174
40. Qingyu Su, Chenglong Li, Xinxin Guo, Xinquan Zhang, Jian Li*, Robust fault diagnosis for DC–DC Boost converters via switched systems, Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 112: 104836.
SCI: 000663331400002 EI: 20211910344442
41. Jian Li, De-Fu Yang, Yan-Chao Gao, Xin Huang*, An adaptive sliding-mode resilient control strategy in smart grid under mixed attacks, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2021,15(15): 1971-1986 .
SCI: 000679071400001 EI: 20213010690407
42. Wenting Wang, Qiang Ma, Lin Lin, Ti Guan, Dawei Tian, Shuqi Li, Jian Li*, Adaptive observer-based attack location and defense strategy in smart grid, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2021, 236(2): 294-304.
SCI: 000680649900001 EI: 20213010688323
43. Jian Li, Zhengnan Zhao, Gong Wang, Qingyu Su*, Coordinated passivation control for nonlinear power systems based on switching strategy with input constraints, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021, 31(12): e13258.
SCI: 000728237200001 EI: 20215011312064
44 Qingyu Su, Handong Wang, Chaowei Sun, Jian Li*, Cyber-attacks against cyber-physical power systems security: State estimation, attacks reconstruction and defense strategy, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 431: 126639.
SCI: 000697155000031 EI: 20213710878099
45. Qingyu Su, Cong Chen, Jian Li*, TrendRank method for evaluating the importance of power grid nodes considering information network, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2022, 17(3): 539-550.
SCI: 000782681000001 EI: 20221611973113
46. Jian Li, Defu Yang, Qingyu Su*, Reliable control strategy based on sliding mode observer against FDI attacks in smart grid, Asian Journal of Control, 2022, 25(2): 910-920.
SCI: 000790299600001 EI: 20221912071081
47. Xiao-Qi Zhao, Zhiheng Dong, Jian Li*, Robust H∞ dynamic output feedback control of the DC–AC converter with a neutral leg, IET Power Electronics, 2022, 15(13):1380-1391.
SCI: 000800504400001 EI: 20222212164583
48. Jian Li, Zhengnan Zhao, Qingyu Su*, Improved coordinated control for thyristor controlled series compensation and generator excitation, IET Electric Power Applications, 2022, 16(7): 805-815.
SCI: 000797710400001 EI: 20222112136717
49. Qingyu Su, Ze Wang, Jing Xu, Chenglong Li, Jian Li*, Fault detection for DC-DC converters using adaptive parameter identification, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2022, 359(11): 5778-5797.
SCI: 000835158100013 EI: 20222612276931
50. Xiao-Qi Zhao, Zhiheng Dong, Zhiteng Wang, Jian Li*, Simultaneous fault detection and control design for DC-AC converter with a neutral leg based on dynamic observer, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 143: 108447.
SCI: 000835177800010 EI: 20222812352702
51. Qingyu Su, Cong Chen, Xin Huang, Jian Li*, Interval TrendRank method for grid node importance assessment considering new energy, Applied Energy, 2022, 324: 119647.
SCI: 000841967400007 EI: 20223012416163
52. Jian Li, Yiqiang Li, Qingyu Su*, Sequential recovery of cyber-physical power systems based on improved Q-learning, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2023, 360(17): 13692-13711.
SCI: 001112053900001 EI: 20222612277448
53. Jian Li, Hongliang Li, Handong Wang, Qingyu Su*, Actuator attack detection and power balance for cyber physical power systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2023, 17(6): 776-787.
SCI: 000893801500001 EI: 20225113267879
54. Qingyu Su, Haoyu Fan, Jian Li*, Distributed adaptive secondary control of AC microgrid under false data injection attack, Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, 223:109521.
SCI: 001024654300001 EI:20232414250197
55. Jian Li, Hongliang Li, Qingyu Su*, Dynamic load altering attack detection for cyber physical power systems via sliding mode observer, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 153: 109320.
SCI: 001036386800001 EI: 20232714329970
56. Jian Li, Yusong Lin, Qingyu Su*, Identifying critical nodes in power grids containing renewable energy based on electrical spreading probability, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 154: 109431.
SCI: 001061535100001 EI: 20233514646439
57. Jian Li, Yunfeng Wang, Qingyu Su*, Dynamic load altering attack detection in smart grid based on multiple fading factor adaptive Kalman filter, Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, 225: 109834.
SCI: 001079499900001 EI: 20233814735649
58. Jian Li, Defu Yang, Qingyu Su, Xueqiang Shen*, Reliable control of cyber-physical systems under state attack: An adaptive integral sliding-mode control approach, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2023, 18(1): 27-39.
SCI: 001058171800001 EI: 20233614687567
59. Jian Li, Chaowei Sun, Shuxian Yang, Qingyu Su*, Dynamic load altering attack detection based on adaptive fading Kalman filter in smart grid, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2024, 18(2): 303-313.
SCI:001079499900001 EI: 20240215331969
60. Qingyu Su, Jixiang Sun, Jian Li*, Vulnerability analysis of cyber-physical power systems based on failure propagation probability, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2024, 157: 109877.
SCI:001198315400001 EI: 20240815607982
61. Jian Li, Yuan Sun, Qingyu Su*, Security control of integral sliding modes for multi-agent systems under false data injection attacks, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2024, 361(4): 106613.
SCI: 001178072300001 EI: 20241215764746
62. Qingyu Su, Hongbo Guo, Jian Li*, An improved gossip-based distributed control strategy of multi-objective combined economic emission dispatch in smart grids with stochastic communication link failures, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024, 186: 1528-1542.
SCI:001237160500001 EI:20241916031558
63. Jian Li, Cong Cai, Qingyu Su*, Secondary restoration of islanded alternating current microgrids under a neural inverse optimal control, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 133: 108538.
SCI:001293734000001 EI:20242016104890
64. Jian Li, Yusong Lin, Qingyu Su*, Identifying critical nodes of cyber-physical power systems based on improved adaptive differential evolution, Electric Power Systems Research, 2024, 229: 110112.
SCI: 001164344600001
65. Cong Cai, Qingyu Su, Jian Li*, Multi-objective hierarchical optimization for grid-connected
microgrids considering 𝐻∞ performance index,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2024, 361(16): 107156.
SCI:001298260900001 EI:20243416901412
66. Qingyu Su, Jixiang Sun, Jian Li*, Node recovery optimization of cyber-physical power systems based on a SEIRD epidemic model, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3514592.
SCI: EI:20245117541006
67. Chaowei Sun, Qingyu Su, Jian Li*, Secure tracking control and attack detection for power cyber-physical systems based on integrated control decision, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2025, 20: 968-979.
SCI:001397798000023 EI:20245117559678
68. Cong Cai, Yunfeng Wang, Qingyu Su, Jian Li*, Collaborative cloud-controlled defense mechanism for low-carbon economic dispatch in active distribution networks under interlayer attack, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2025, doi: 10.1109/TR.2024.3523894.
SCI:001398738900001 EI:20250417723454
69. Jian Li, Yunfeng Wang, Hongliang Li, Heng Wang, Qingyu Su*, Adaptive dual control law sliding mode observer to reconstruct cyber attack and compensate power in cyber physical power system, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2025, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2025.3528385.
70. Jian Li, Cong Cai, Qingyu Su*, Frequency coordination and economic dispatch of microgrids using fuzzy neural network control, 2025, doi: 10.1007/s13042-024-02526-4.
71. Beichen Chen, Haoyuan Lv, Yiqiang Li, Jian Li*, Sequential recovery of cyber–physical power systems with distributed generation, Electric Power Systems Research, 2025, 244: 111529.
SCI: EI:20250817909780
II. EI Journal Articles
First Author / Corresponding Author
1. Jian Li, Xin Li, Qingyu Su*, Fault detection filter design for discrete-time switched time-delay systems with static quantizer and quantized feedback, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2018, 14(4):1465-1479.
EI: 20183105621860
2. Dongsheng Chen, Zhiqiang Wang, Jian Li*, Finite-time state tracking control with unmeasured state and various boundaries, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2018, 14(5): 1617-1631.
EI: 20183805829163
3. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Jian Li*, Observer-based fault detection for switched systems with all unstable subsystems, Journal of Control and Decision, 2021, 8(2): 116-123.
EI: 20193307311381
4. Jian Li, Chaowei Sun, Qingyu Su*, Analysis of cascading failures of power cyber-physical systems considering false data injection attacks, Global Energy Interconnection, 2021, 4(2):3-17.
EI: 20212810624782
5. Qiang Ma, Zheng Xu, Wenting Wang, Lin Lin, Chengren Tian, Shuxian Yang, Jian Li*, Dynamic load-altering attack detection based on adaptive fading Kalman filter in power systems, Global Energy Interconnection, 2021, 4(2): 184-192.
EI: 20212810622031
6. Qingyu Su, Cong Chen, Zhenglong Sun, Jian Li*, Identification of critical nodes for cascade faults of grids based on Electrical PageRank, Global Energy Interconnection, 2021, 4(6): 587-595.
EI: 20221111773731
III. Conference Articles
First-Author / Corresponding Author
1. Jian Li, Guang-Hong Yang*. Robust fault detection filters for switched systems with sensor fault, Proceedings of the 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2012, pp. 4254-4259, May, 23-25, Taiyuan, China.
EI: 20124015483398 CPCI-S: 000323966204063
2. Jian Li*, Qingyu Su, Huimin Wang, Fault detection filter design for switched fuzzy systems with average dwell time, Proceedings of the 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2013, pp.1054-1059, May, 25-27, Guiyang, China.
EI: 20133516668156 CPCI-S: 000326977301017
3. Jian Li, Xingze Dai, Yancheng Li, Qingyu Su*, Robust filter design for switched linear parameter-varying systems, Proceedings of the 33th Chinese Control Conference, 2014, pp.4157-4162, July, 28-30, Nanjing, China.
EI: 20144300119851 CPCI-S: 000366482804047
4. Jian Li*, Xingze Dai, Dan Ye, Robust filtering design for nonlinear impulsive switched systems, The 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation Control and Intelligent Systems, 2015, pp. 1671-1675, June, 8-12, Shenyang, China.
EI: 20161402187838 CPCI-S: 000427082206134
5. Qingyu Su, Xiaolong Jia, Jian Li*, Zhenhao Tang, Finite-time stabilization of a class of cascade nonlinear switched systems with time delay, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2016, May, 28-30, 2252-2256, Yinchuan, China.
EI: 20163602765842 CPCI-S: 000383222302095
6. Qingyu Su, Peipei Wang, Jian Li*, Zhenhao Tang, Stabilization of continuous-time switched positive systems with state constraints via a mode-dependent switching method, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2016, May, 28-30, 2247-2251, Yinchuan, China.
EI: 20163602765841 CPCI-S: 000383222302094
7. Jian Li*, Chun-Yu Wu, Robust fault detection filter design for interconnected systems, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2017, May, 28-30, 4172-4177, Chongqing, China.
EI: 20173504090462 CPCI-S: 000427082206134
8. Jian Li*, Qiang Li, Robust filter design for discrete-time switched fuzzy systems with mode-dependent average dwell-time, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2017, May, 28-30, 650-655, Chongqing, China.
EI: 20173504090393 CPCI-S: 000427082201159
9. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Jian Li*, Fault detection filtering for discrete-time switched systems with all subsystems unstable, 2019 Chinese Automation Congress, 2019, November, 22-24, 1948-1953, Hangzhou, China.
EI: 20201008253981
10. Jian Li, Hong-Liang Li, Qingyu Su*, Observer-based reconstruction for smart grid cyber attack detection, 2021 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics, 2021, June 18-20, 249-253, Chengdu, China.
EI: 20214110998357
11. Zheng Xu, Qiang Ma, Lin Lin, Qigui Nie, Xin Liu, Defu Yang, Jian Li*, A resilient defense strategy against false data injection attack in smart grid, Chinese Control Conference, Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, 2021, July 26-28, 4726-4731, Shanghai, China.
EI: 20214311046159
12. Jian Li, Yiqiang Li, Qingyu Su*, Critical node identification of cyber-physical power systems based on improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, Proceedings of the 41st Chinese Control Conference, 2022, July 25-27, 1576-1581, Hefei, China.
EI: 20224413019734
13. Qingyu Su, Yufu Guo, Jian Li*, Fault detection for delay-switched systems with all subsystems unstable, Proceedings of the 41st Chinese Control Conference, 2022, July 25-27, 1576-1581, Hefei, China.
EI: 20224413020158
14. Jian Li, Yuan Sun, Qingyu Su*, Observer-based consensus security control for multi-agent systems under FDI attacks, 2023 China Automation Congress, 2023, November 17-19, 4925-4930, Chongqing, China.
15. Jian Li, Yusong Lin, Qingyu Su*, A node importance evaluation method based on Monte Carlo simulation and VIKOR for grids containing new energy, 2023 3rd New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum, 2023, September 26-28, 81-85, Mianyang, China.
EI: 20240415441668
16. Qingyu Su, Zhongxin Fan, Jian Li*, Fault detection for positive switched systems with all modes unstable, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering, 2023, August, 4-6, 148-153, Jilin, China.
EI: 20234414986666
IV. Other Articles
1. Xin-Gang Zhao, Jian Li, Dan Ye*. Fault detection for switched systems with finite-frequency specifications, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70(1): 409-420.
SCI: 000309940000034 EI: 20124415621386
2. Qingyu Su*, Jian Li, Fault detection for a class of uncertain linear systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2013, vol.2013, Article ID:856914, 12 pages.
SCI: 000328046000001 EI: 20140817346406
3. Qingyu Su*, Yancheng Li, Xingze Dai, Jian Li,Fault Detection for a Class of Impulsive Switched Systems,International Journal of Automation and Computing,2014, 11(2): 223-230.
EI: 20141617594541
4. Qingyu Su*, Wanzhen Quan, Guowei Cai, Jian Li, Improved adaptive backstepping sliding mode control for generator steam valves of non-linear power systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017,11(9):1414-1419.
SCI: 000401446200011 EI: 20172003684523
6. Qingyu Su*, Peipei Wang, Jian Li, Honghai Liu, Stabilization of discrete-time switched systems with state constraints based on mode-dependent average dwell time, Asian Journal of Control, 2017,19(1):67-73.
SCI: 000393679200007 EI: 20162302459523
7. Bo Li*, Yudong Wang, Jian Li, Shengxian Cao, A fully distributed approach for economic dispatch problem of smart grid, Energies, 2018, 11(8): Artical ID:1993.
SCI: 20183705790937 EI: 000446604100072
8. Guang-Xin Zhong, Hua-Yi Du, Jian Li, Yue Long, Passivity and reduced-order feedback passification of discrete-time switched systems with mode-dependent persistent dwell-time, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2021, 40(12): 5997-6015.
SCI:000664448100001 EI: 20212610566266
9. Xin Huang, Jian Li, Qinyu Su*, An observer with cooperative interaction structure for biasing attack detection and secure control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2023, 53(4): 2543-2553.
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10. Guang-Xin Zhong, Zhiteng Wang, Jiahua Zhou, Jian Li, Qingyu Su*, Coordinated control of active disturbance rejection and grid voltage feedforward for grid-connected inverters, IET Power Electronics, 2022, doi: 10.1049/pel2.12428.
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11. Xin Huang, Chenxu Chang, Jian Li, Shuyi Xiao, Qingyu Su*, Cooperative interaction observer-based security control for T-S fuzzy cyber-physical systems against sensor and actuator attacks, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2024, Accepted.
12. Zhao Xin-Gang, Li Jian, Ye Dan*. Fault detection and isolation for switched linear systems: A switched Lyapunov function approach, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp.1812-1817, July,6-8 Beijing, China, 2012.
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13. Qingyu Su*, Jian Li, Lingfang Sun. Stabilization for a class of switched positive systems with state constraints, Proceedings of the 32th Chinese Control Conference, 2013, pp.1486-1491, July, 26-28, Xi`an, China.
EI: 20135217122170
14. Palak Jain, Jason Poon, Jian Li, Costas Spanos, Seth R. Sanders, Jian-Xin Xu, Sanjib K. Panda, An improved robust adaptive parameter identifier for DC-DC converters using H∞ design, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC2018, 2018, March, 4-8, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
EI: 20182005210063
15. Lin Lin, Zhipeng Cong, Qigui Nie, Xin Liu, Wenting Wang, Jian Li, Defu Yang*, State evaluation and attack signal reconstruction of power cyber-physics system based on intermediate variable observer, 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2021, 2021, October 21-23, Jilin, China.
EI: 20220411517014
16. Cai Cong, Jian Li, Qingyu Su*, Secondary restoration of islanded AC microgrids under neural inverse optimal control with genetic algorithm, Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2023, May 20-22, 295-300, Yichang, China.
EI: 20240215354746
1. 李健,国家自然科学基金面上项目,61873057,2019/01-2022/12,基于信息物理系统的微电网安全控制:连锁故障与虚假数据攻击,63万元,主持
2. 李健,国家自然科学基金青年基金,61406075,2015/01-2017/12,具基于切换系统建模的微电网故障检测方法研究,25万元,主持
3. 李健,国家自然科学基金青年基金,61104015,强耦合非线性多智能体系统容错协调控制,2012/01-2014/12,参与
4. 李健,吉林省科技厅优秀青年人才基金项目,20180520211JH,带有网络传输的互联系统故障检测方法研究,2018/01-2019/12,主持
5. 李健,吉林省教育厅科研基金项目,JJKH20170106KJ,脉冲切换系统的故障检测方法研究,2017/01-2018/12,主持
6. 李健,吉林市杰出青年人才基金项目,201831731,基于信息物理系统的微电网连锁故障分析,2018/09-2020/12,10万元,主持
7. 李健,吉林省教育厅科研基金重点项目,JJKH20220113KJ,智能微网信息物理系统的安全调度评估与状态估计,2022/01-2024/12,主持
8. 李健,吉林省科技厅面上项目,虚假数据注入攻击下电力信息物理系统安全控制研究,2023/01-2025/12,主持
1. 邬春雨,互联系统的故障检测方法研究,2019年吉林省优秀硕士学位论文,指导教师:李健。
1. 李健,孙超维,李波,黄鑫,苏庆宇,一种基于交流潮流模型的电力信息物理系统建模方法,专利授权号:ZL202011135158.1,授权日期:2022.05.24。
2. 李健,靳长岭,苏庆宇,赵晓琪,李波,一种对电力信息物理系统进行攻击检测及重构的方法,专利授权号:ZL201911126969.2,授权日期:2021.08.10。
3. 李健,靳长岭,潘坤鹏,孙超维,苏庆宇,一种对电力信息物理系统进行攻击检测及重构的方法,专利授权号:ZL202010028963.8,授权日期:2022.05.24。
4. 李波,杨少布道,陈乐乐,李健,一种基于Agent的并联逆变器改进下垂控制方法,专利授权号:ZL202010791893.1,授权日期:2022.05.24。
5. 李波,李续,王景文,李健,孤岛多能互补电-气耦合系统能量优化调度方法,专利授权号: ZL202110364519.8,授权日期:2022.12.02。
6. 苏庆宇,历程龙,李健,仲广鑫,一种基于切换系统的升压电路的控制及故障检测方法,专利授权号:ZL201911110123.X,授权日期:2021.10.01。
7. 马强,林琳,张明智,卜寒,王志强,聂其贵,刘鑫,任天成,赵洋,赵晓红,刘新,王文婷,靳长岭,李书棋,李健,基于自适应滑模观测器的电力信息物理系统攻击定位方法,专利授权号:ZL202011232810.1,授权日期:2022.03.08。
8. 王勇,王文婷,赵岩,杨昕,王显盖,聂其贵,刘鑫,赵洋,赵晓红,刘新,靳长岭,杨淑仙,李健,基于自适应卡尔曼滤波器的电力信息物理系统攻击检测方法,专利授权号:ZL202110092345.4,授权日期:2022.03.22。
9. 王文婷,马强,关永昌,王昭璇,黄华,王磊,张津豪,聂其贵,刘鑫,赵晓红,赵洋,任天成,刘新,靳长岭,杨得福,李健,基于自适应滑模控制器的电力信息物理系统攻击防御方法,专利授权号:ZL202110532040.0,授权日期:2022.08.26。
10. 黄鑫,畅晨旭,李健,苏庆宇,基于协同交互型观测器的电力信息物理系统安全控制方法,专利申请号:CN202310604559.4,公开日期:2023.8.22。