祝贺CSCT2017级硕士研究生范忠鑫经过层层筛选,被东南大学录取,加入IEEE Fellow李世华教授团队攻读博士学位!范忠鑫于2017年9月至2020年6月在东北电力大学自动化工程学院攻读硕士学位,在CSCT工作期间主要从事具有非稳定子系统切换系统的故障检测方面的研究,已发表SCI检索论文5篇(其中一区1篇,二区1篇,三区2篇,四区1篇),EI检索论文2篇,另有2篇一区SCI论文正在修改/审稿中,并于2019年荣获国家奖学金。
Congratulations to Fan Zhongxin on his success applying for Southeast University as a Ph.D. Candidate. From September, 2017 to June, 2020, Fan was at School of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University. During working in CSCT, he has completed 7 SCI papers and winned the National Scholarship in 2019.
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