祝贺2017级CSCT成员王海晴和2015级CSCT成员张德桢合作的一篇孤岛微电网下垂控制的论文被IEEE Access录用。这是王海晴(现为东北大学Ph.D Candidate)在CSCT工作期间发表的第2篇SCI期刊论文,张德桢(现为山东大学Ph.D Candidate)在CSCT工作期间发表的第2篇SCI期刊论文。

Congratulations to Wang Haiqing and Zhang Dezhen on their collaborative paper regarding distributed finite-time secondary voltage restoration of droop-controlled islanded microgrids has been accepted by IEEE Access which is an CAS2 SCI journal. This is Wang’s 2nd accepted SCI paper, and Zhang’s 2nd accetped SCI paper.

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