祝贺2017级CSCT成员潘坤鹏的一篇基于切换系统的DC-DC变换器鲁棒故障检测的论文被International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing录用。这是潘坤鹏(现为西北工业大学Ph.D Candidate)在CSCT工作期间发表的第5篇SCI期刊论文。之前潘坤鹏已经发表了1篇一区SCI论文,2篇二区SCI论文,1篇4区,含ESI高被引论文1篇。
Congratulations to Pan Kunpeng on his paper regarding robust fault detection and adaptive parameter identification for DC-DC converters via switched systems has been accepted by International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing which is an CAS3 SCI journal. This is Pan’s 5th accepted SCI paper.
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